All volunteers need to take care of basic Volunteer certifications and screening. Please see the step above and start there as these are in addition to the referee training itself. Most of these only need to be done once, so you might already have some of them done. Visit our [Becoming a Volunteer] page for info and help on these.
As a reminder, a beginning referee will follow one of 4 routes of training to get started. For all of them, AYSOU is where to start.
To get to AYSOU:
- Log in to the www.ayso213.org website.
- Click 'Volunteer' from the left menu.
- If you already volunteered for a role, you should see the [AYSOU] button at the top right. Click on that option. It should sign you in automatically.
- Click on 'Training Library' from the left in AYSOU to view or enroll in online training.
- Click on 'Training Event' from the left in AYSOU to view In-person courses, or portions of courses.
*TIP: Click the [x] next to Region 213 in the Regions filter to remove it, enter your zip code and a distance (I suggest 50km) under Location.
- To take the 8u Official course online, go to Training Library, then under Refereeing click on (View Courses) and find 8U Official Course - Online. Click on the (Enroll) option.
- To take the 8u Official course in person, go to Training Event, adjust Region and Location filters as described above, and type '8u official' in the Courses filter. There aren't usually many options.
- To take the Regional Referee course in person, go to Training Event, and type Regional Referee - Full In-Person Course' in the Courses filter.
- To take the Regional Referee Companion Course, this is a two-part task. First, take the online portion - go to Training Library, under Refereeing click on (View Courses), find 'New - Regional Referee - Online + In-Person Companion Course,' and click on the (Enroll) button.
Once finished with the online modules, return to AYSOU, go to Training Event, adjust Region and Location filters as described above, and type 'companion' in the Courses filter. There are currently 3 options, probably some are older names and some newer. Search them all for one convenient for you.
For in-person courses, you can take them anywhere, they don't have to be done by AYSO Irvine.
If you are willing to take a referee course, but nothing above fits your schedule, fill in the very short Referee Class Interest form.
For any questions please email our Regional Referee Admin at [email protected].