Being Event Staff is one of the easiest ways you can volunteer... Not only is it a great way to give back to the community, as well as help the organization that your child plays in (and help me!) but also, you earn points towards your team's volunteer quota.
Event Staff volunteers basically help pass out flyers, or hand out uniforms, or help with photo day, etc. Very simple work, and can easily be done with a few of your friends, so you can all hang out together while earning your volunteer points.
Some specifics for Events currently available:
- Help us to set up a few soccer nets that are old or ripped. There are 2 fields that need our help with this.
- Help us at Irvine Swim League Champs. This is a big event with lots of Irvine families, and we'll hand out some goodies and flyers.
- We will do our yearly pre-Fall storage inventory and cleanup. Checking which items need to be replaced, or how many goals we need, etc.
- We will need some help when we hand out uniforms before the season starts.
Some examples of Events we've had in the past or hope to have in the future:
- School Jogathons
- Irvine Junior Games
- Registration Events
- Team or Player Sign-in for Tournament
Sign up for one of our current Events, or
email us to be put on the Event Staff mailing list for future needs.