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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Irvine Region 213 - Serving Irvine for 40 years


Essential Equipment and Information


All players must wear proper shoes. Cleats are not required, but are helpful. Basic athletic shoes are acceptable. If using cleats, make sure to use soccer cleats (without a metal toe spike). Baseball and softball cleats often are not safe for soccer.


AYSO Irvine will provide socks, and it’s recommended that your child only wear the socks provided and not wear an additional pair underneath.
Soccer socks are long enough to pull up over the shin guard. If they are too long, you can pull them all the way up, and then ‘fold’ them down to make a second layer, but make sure to keep the shin guards completely covered.


Except for Medical ID bracelets (taped securely to the wrist) no jewelry is allowed.
This would include items such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, watches, etc.
Items may be used to bind or hold back the hair, but must be soft.

Casts or Splints

Players may not play with any cast or splint. Players with a broken bone may not play until healed and cleared by a doctor (a clearance note must be provided.)
A soft brace may be used if approved as safe by the referee.

Shin Guards

Shin guards are required, and are a key piece of safety equipment.
Shin guards go inside the sock, against the skin, so they can stay secure and don’t slide around or fall out. Proper size should properly cover most of the shin bone.

Soccer Ball

Each player should have their own ball to bring to events, and also to practice with at home.

5u, 6u, 7u, 8u use a size 3 ball.
10u and 12u use a size 4 ball.
14u and older use a size 5 ball.

When are the games played?

Please refer to registration programs for exact dates / times
Typically Spring Season will start in March and end in May and
Fall Season will start in September and end in November.

Our Photo Day will vary depending on the season but is normally the 3rd weekend in the season
Let Them Play aka "Silent Saturday" is usually the 4th / 5th weekend in the season

Can My Child Play With a Buddy?

We do not participate in a buddy system (player-2-player, player-2-coach, etc..) for our normal soccer season. While we understand that it may be a convenience for you, it causes logistical problems we are not equipped to handle. We may take into consideration requesting/linking/pairing of a Coach-2-Assistant Coach, or a Volunteer-2-Volunteer (within the same division).

Note: There is never a guarantee that volunteers, coaches, assistant coaches, etc... linking/paring/requesting can be done.


Please leave pets at home. Pets at AYSO soccer fields are not allowed, for safety reasons as well as child comfort


The shirt is called a jersey and is provided as part of the program. Please note that alterations are not allowed. Do not place the child’s name on the back or anywhere on the uniform. This is against AYSO policy and assists with your child’s safety.
A team set has a variety of sizes, usually the smaller jersey number, the smaller size. Usually the first team gathering, coach will line players up by height, and hand out uniforms, to include jersey, shorts, socks.

Field Prep

We are lucky to have great fields in Irvine. The fields do require us to set up or put away some equipment. As parents, we should be helping with this task, so that your coach does not need to.

Bownets (portable goals) are the rectangular goals that use poles to keep the net the proper shape.

We use 6x12 bownets for 10u games. These take only about 2 minutes to set up, once you know what you are doing. Below is a video to help you out, as well as a few important tips:

There is a metal button you push to fold corners. Be CAREFUL and fold slowly so you don't pinch your fingers.


  • The 6x12 bownets 'stretch' out. In the video, it is done before it's unfolded, by 'lifting up' until it clicks.
  • When putting bownets away, do NOT wrap the loose net around the frame, it will become very tangled. Instead, place the frame into the bag, and put the loose netting right on top. Then zip the bag.
  • Here is a 2 minute setup video for the 6x12 bownet.
  • Here is a 2 minute tear-down video for the 6x12 bownet.
  • The 6x18 is the same setup as the 6x12, but expands twice.

Pugg goals are the half-circle goals that fold up flat and only take a few moments to set up.

  • To set up, there should be one side (the back) with a 'peg' that will push down into the ground. The other side (top) has the branding label.
  • When putting away, one method is to hold one corner with one hand, grab the other corner with the palm facing out, and twist. Video
  • When putting away, another method is to put one corner on the ground, grab the opposite side, and push left hand to right foot. Video
  • If putting two into a bag together, put one on top of the other, lined up, and place both in bag at the same time.

Corner Flags are small rectangular flags attached to 5 foot poles.
These flags are placed in each corner of the field. This is usually at 8u and older games. This helps keep track of where the edge of the field is, for the players as well as the referees and coaches.
The flags get placed right at the corner, at the intersection of the touch line (sideline) and the goal line.

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Contact Us

AYSO Irvine - Region 213

14252 Culver Dr, Ste A-206
Irvine, California 92604

Email Us: [email protected]
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