Waitlist Process
- Roughly three weeks before the season begins, we need to decide how many teams we will make. This is based mostly on how many players are registered, but we also look at how many volunteers have already signed up to coach, and a few other criteria.
- When deciding on the count of teams, we try to 'round up', knowing that we get some late registrations.
- At this point, we close the registration system, and open up the waitlist.
- At the beginning, there are usually spots still available on teams, so a waitlist player may be moved to a team right away.
- After teams are full, the path for the waitlist players is:
- If a player drops from the program (moves, injured, quits, etc) a waitlist player is invited to take the spot.
- Occasionally (mostly as younger ages) if we have many kids on the waitlist, and enough coaches, we will consider creating additional teams, as long as it doesn't interfere with scheduling.
- We anticipate any changes will happen up through the first three weeks of games. After the fourth game, we usually close out our waitlist. Anyone on the waitlist at that time, it is not fair for them to join so late in the season.
- 10u should have 9 or 10 players per team.
- At cut-off date, we have 70 players.
- 6 teams would be 54 to 60 players. Not enough teams.
- 7 teams would need 63 to 70 players. We can do this, but not add anyone. And 7 teams is not convenient for scheduling.
- 8 teams would need 72 to 80 players. We assume we can get 2 more players, and have room for up to 8 additional players.
- With our 70 players, expecting to form 8 teams, we make sure we'll be able to get 8 volunteers for head coaches.
- Once we have our 8 coaches, we can start forming teams.
In summary - waitlist players are there until either enough coaches sign up to open up additional spots, or registered players leave the program opening up existing spots.